
Fresh and Clean is a page I stated in order to keep up with all the bikes im working on, have worked on or plan to work on. I get my parts and frames from used dealers, garage sales , Craigslist , pawn shops; pretty much any way and if i do buy anything new its local ( I dont even leave my hood I have 4 shops in a 4 mile zone ) I also sell these if im not already making one for you. If its available ill let you know. If you would like a custom rebuilt reused recycle super fresh ride for under 300$ get at me . I like to think I make a pretty sweet ride and I would like a page that shows off some of my work . If your making something it's art
Thanks and enjoy

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dumpster baby Bike Update !

So were going with the Eddie Bauer Edition I suppose feel me !

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