
Fresh and Clean is a page I stated in order to keep up with all the bikes im working on, have worked on or plan to work on. I get my parts and frames from used dealers, garage sales , Craigslist , pawn shops; pretty much any way and if i do buy anything new its local ( I dont even leave my hood I have 4 shops in a 4 mile zone ) I also sell these if im not already making one for you. If its available ill let you know. If you would like a custom rebuilt reused recycle super fresh ride for under 300$ get at me . I like to think I make a pretty sweet ride and I would like a page that shows off some of my work . If your making something it's art
Thanks and enjoy

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dumpster baby Bike Update !

So were going with the Eddie Bauer Edition I suppose feel me !

CC's Bike !

I did this sweet Doo Wop of bike for CC.Purple has been really going down in the streets !That's what's hot right now for the ladies.or so they request !

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ashley's Old Shogun .

This guy was Ash's first shogun .Its changed since but I very much liked this look .80's baby style ! Love it

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bennie's Bike

It Lives ! This is a Frankenstein bike I built for my good pal Bennie, the entire bike is made up of used parts with the exception on the brake handle ,stem and chain ! Other than that it's all recycled ! I was able to do this bike for under 50$ Great work bike ...enjoy the ride Corduroy !

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Mosh BMX

This lil guy is a Mosh BMX they came out in the late 90's under Giant . Pretty classic ride .Changed the grips.Added some tubes ,tires,and new chain. Took her to the carwash and BAM ! Ready to rock . I got this bad boy on a trade and I don't really ride BMX that much soooo I  was told 200$ but hey let's go with a bill and it's your . Get at me if you like

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dumpster Bike update !

Changed out the seat and handle bars for blue ! plus added a new all black crank ! now it's really official !

Hey Ladies !

This bike I custom built for Ashley . It's a Japanese Shogun circa 82' now has origin 8 pink seat and handle bars ,purple chain and pedal's  and it all ties with the butterfly on front with the yellow brake housing and  purple deep V rims !! hot stuff !!

Just lock it up were ever !

This is the corner of 6th and Red River during SXSW !

Speed Racer

This bike is fast as shit !

my Work Bike

this is the bike I currently ride to work ! Schwinn intersection . i was going for a GI Joe look but  have since changed it out ...pretty dope

First bike I made !

This is the first bike i converted I did it from a Mongoose frame and sold it for 200$ it's so dope that the dude  i sold it to is selling it and is  looking for 300$ whatwhat !

Dumpster Bike

This is a frame my boy Thurman found next to the dumpster ! added origin 8 seat ,bar,stem and new brakes and boom ready to roll ! oh check out the muthaf*ckin wheel's super clean deep V's with racing slicks ..fresh no doubt

This Beast of a bike  I converted to a single speed from an old Italian Track bike .Stout to say the least you move the crowd not the other way around .

schwinn caliente

Schwinn Caliente '73

The first 3 pictures are the original that i first converted to single speed .The rest of the pic's are of the custom paint job i did for my friend Thurman .pretty fresh and clean